01/17/2014 - 04:52

We have released ST Velocity, a clean, modern and responsive Drupal theme, on Themeforest. Being accepted on Themeforest proves the quality of this theme. It is our best ever Drupal theme with beautiful design. It is super flexible that you can change layout and colors from backend: 12 predefined colors, 2 layout styles, 15+ portfolios and 5 blog styles. If you need a single theme for your business, portfolio and blog websites, here it is.

ST Velocity Preview
ST Octoban layout

1. Mobile Responsive

ST Velocity on mobiles

The theme is responsive to any devices, from big screen computers, laptops to tablets and mobiles. It offers the most friendly experiences to our visitors and customers.

2. Portolio Options

ST Velocity Portfolio Options

11/17/2013 - 03:39

Are you turned off with table content, especially a long table of over 100 rows? It is a nightmare to create a HTML table, look for each tag to enter data.

Recently, I was working on a local project which has a member directory on 63 provinces over the country. Each province has 5 lists of different types of members to keep track with. Each list has an average of 50-100 members. It is not hard to imagine inputing them by HTML is a nightmare.

That's when Table Field comes in handy.

What it does?

Basically, this Table Field module allows you to create a field in your content type with tabular data. You can either enter cell data manually by specifying the number of rows/columns; or you can import from a CSV file.

Using CSV import is the most amazing feature that I need for my project. Just turn Excel files to CSV, upload to each node and it is do...

11/11/2013 - 11:37

This post is no relating to Drupal or any topics that we used to publish on this blog. It is about helping the Philippines over the Typoon Haiyan.

Our neigbour, Philippine was strucked by the fierest typoon of the century Haiyan. The typoon also hit our country Vietnam. We are fortunate to get a much weaken storm, but not the Philippines. Possibly more than 10'000 people are killed. After the storm, life is described as worse than hell. No electricity, no food, no water. People are struggling to survive hour by hour.

So please give them a hand and pray them to get over this disaster as soon as possible. Please donate via and spread your words:


09/25/2013 - 02:39

ST Octoban is a clean, modern and responsive Drupal theme. Developed by Symphony Themes, a 6 year experience Drupal theme provider, it is guaranteed to comply to all Drupal standards and best practices. It is super flexible that you can change layout and colors from backend: 12 predefined colors and 2 layout styles. More styles and functions are added regularly without an upgrade charge.

ST Quatro layout

ST Octoban layout

1. Mobile Responsive

ST Octoban on mobiles

The theme is responsive to any devices, from big screen computers, laptops to tablets and mobiles. It offers the most friendly experiences to our visitors and customers.

2. Portolio Options

ST Octoban Portfolio Options

Multiple choices for Portfolio: Grid (2 styles), Classic (4 styles), Text (4 styles), Sidebar...

08/13/2013 - 04:24

If you suddenly find out no customers are reaching to you for weeks, will you be paranoid?

Drupal, like many other CMS, do not send mails by itself. By default, it calls the PHP sendmail() function and the rest of the job is taken care by your hosting server. When it functions like expected, there is no need to worry.

One day, I realized that I had not received any emails from my customers using the contact form on my Drupal website. It happended for a couple of weeks. At the result, I lost money. Customers could not contact me so they went away.

I worked with my hosting provider to investigate the problem, and there are two possible reasons:

  1. The sendmail() function is not working properly
  2. The server is marked as spamming. Other websites on the same server may send too many emai...
07/30/2013 - 03:16

I have recently monitored a client website in Drupal 7. It was spammed by commenting with spam links. Although I deleted about 600M of spam comments, all of them have been crawled and indexed by search engine bots. At the result, there are quite traffic coming to this site looking for non existing content.

At a peak time, the VPS RAM has been used upto its limit of 2 Gigabyte. The website became very slow. Apparently, responding to those removed spamming content (404 - Page not found) has eaten up alot of the server resource. So I need to find a solution to minimize memory usage for those useless requests.

The problem is, Drupal has expensive 404 errors. When serving a 404 page, Drupal stills do a full "bootstrap", loading all modules, settings, querying d...

06/20/2013 - 04:06

Do you love Pinterest? Do you want to showcases your photos like Pinterest? Here comes ST Kanjira, our Drupal photography theme. Using Drupal Masonry module, this theme displays your beautiful photos like Pinterest grids, which is perfect for viewers' eyes. Also, an additional style of Galleria slideshow  is also included so you can switch styles in any time. The theme is responsive for mobile viewing and available in 8 colors.

1. Pinterest Grid Layout

ST Kanjira Pinterest layout

ST Kanjira Pinterest style

Using Drupal Masonry, this theme layouts your photos in the Pinterest grid style. Scroll your mouse and more photos will be loaded automatically.

2. Galleria Slideshow Layout

ST Kanjira Galleria layout

A second option for gallery display is Galleria slideshow. This effect is highly rated in anthoner Drupal photography theme ST Viola. When we build this theme, we also include it.

3. Built in Blog feature

05/24/2013 - 03:52

ST Danso is the first ever premium Drupal theme which supports Commerce Kickstart out-of-the-box. It means that you can enjoy both the feature rich awesomeness of Kickstart 2 and the new fresh look of the theme. Inspired by Amazon, ST Danso has a very clean and clear layout, flexible drop down menu, 8 color choices and detail documentation. The package also includes exported features so you can build your site from a standard Kickstart package or from an existing Drupal site.

1. Theme preview

ST Danso layout

ST Danso layout

2. Support Commerce Kickstart 2

Commerce Kickstart logoCommerce Kickstart is Drupal Commerce packed with features that make it more complete, faster to launch, and easier to administer. Kickstart 2 by far is the most advanced package for Drupal Commerce. In my personal opinion, it is the most promising shopping software that can come close to Magento.

ST Danso is built with Kickstart 2. It has all features of Kickstart 2, plus a beautiful Drupal theme.

3. Responsiv...