Drupal out-of-the-box packageIn this page, you will find:

  1. Install from scratch using profile
  2. Install theme on existing sites
  3. Troubleshooting

Inside each theme package you have downloaded, there are two zip files:

  1. fullsite_package.zip file is the install profile for quick and easy installation. You will get a site which is exact as our demo.
  2. theme_package.zip file is the theme only package. You can use this theme to install in your existing Drupal site. However, you will need to create all blocks and views. This package is advised for advanced Drupal developers only. 

Install from scratch using profile

Step 1:

In all our theme packages, we have the fullsize package file, for example, alphorn_fullsite_package.zip.  This package includes Drupal core + theme + essential modules + sample content. When you install this full size package, you'll have the new site which looks exactly like our demo site.

We recommend you to use the fullsite_package.zip file. We will show you how to install it as below:

Step 2:

Upload it onto public_html folder of your hosting, then extract this package. This way, after the installation is completed, the script will appear once your type something like http://yourdomainname.com in your web browser.

Or you can create a subfolder under public_html and upload the fullsite_package.zip there. The Drupal installation will be available at: http://yourdomainname.com/subfolder.

Step 3:

Use your hosting tools to create a new MySQL database. 

Remember the database name and user login details. You will need them on Step 5. Select all privileges for this user.

Master Drupal in 7 hours - Install - Create database

Step 4:

Navigate to the URL of your Drupal site to run the installation, ie, yourdomainname.com. For the first run, it will execute the installation script. Select Symphony’s profile and click “Save and Continue”.

Master Drupal in 7 hours - Install SQL

Step 5:

Enter the database details for the database which you have created in Step3. Click on the “Save and continue”. It will take 20-30 seconds, you just need to wait until it proceeds to the next screen.

Master Drupal in 7 hours - Install - database configuration

Step 6:

In this section, the most important pieces of information is "Username" and “Password“ of the administrator account. Other information can be filled arbitrarily and easily changed in the future.

Master Drupal in 7 hours - Install - Configure site

Step 7: Well done! The installation is completed and you can proceed to your web site.

Master Drupal in 7 hours - Install - Interface

Install theme on existing sites

As mentioned above, the theme_package.zip file is the theme only package. You can use this theme to install in your existing Drupal site.

Step 1: Install the base theme

Our Drupal 7 themes are sub themes of Omega. So you need to install Omega first to make our themes working.

Please download the Omega package at http://drupal.org/project/omega, extract and upload to /sites/all/themes folder.

Step 2: Install the theme on Symphony Themes

Similar to installing Omega, just extract the theme_package.zip file, and upload to /sites/all/themes folder.

Step 3: Enable theme theme

Please go to Admin > Appearance and enable Omega and the theme you downloaded.

After that, you will be able to use predefined styles of the theme to build the Drupal site of your own.

Trouble shooting

  • If you don’t see any slider and article images, it’s due to file access permission. Please go to the .htaccess file at public_html/<installation_folder>/sites/default/files/.htaccess and remove any Options None or Options +FollowSymLinks
  • If you don't see any style at all, the website appears as just a bunch of text, it is highly due to folder and file permission. Please make sure all files and folder permission are 755 (except settings.php file under /site/default).
  • If you don’t see images from other blocks, you can change it later on Section 3.5.